Health professionals have to use a variety of tools to avoid the risk of infections. Gloves are also a part of protective gear used for infection prevention and control. It is mandatory for health professionals to wear gloves and use them appropriately to reduce the risk of healthcare related infections.
Disposable medical gloves, gowns and aprons are key components of personal protective equipment or PPE, which are used by healthcare professions to minimize the possibility of cross-transmission of infections. The use of gloves in patient care activities should be careful and take into consideration the current healthcare scenario, and should be based on the assessment of:
- Risk of transmission of germs and infections between health professionals and patients
- Possibilities of contamination of the medical service provider’s clothing and skin by the patient’s blood or body fluids
However, lack of knowledge regarding proper use of gloves and other protective gear as well as non-adherence to the recommended guidelines can lead to errors and contamination. Therefore, health professionals should receive regular training regarding proper use of protective gear and follow all safety precautions for infection prevention and control.
Gloves are recommended when:
- Handling contaminated devices
- Anticipating contact with patient’s blood and bodily fluids
- Practicing transmission based precautions (contact or droplet precautions)
- Undertaking aseptic procedures
- Handling chemicals for medical procedures
Removing gloves:
- As soon as they are damaged
- When contact with chemicals have ended
- After completing an aseptic procedure
- When contact with the patient’s bodily fluid or blood has ended
- When hand hygiene is required
Using the best quality gloves is essential to stay protected and achieve maximum safety with the right protective gear. Sinai Medical Supply offers the highest quality medical-grade gloves, manufactured by leading brands to ensure maximum protection while being engaged in patient care activities.