A lot has been said about hand sanitizers during this COVID-19 pandemic. If you have visited a medical store recently, you might have noticed extra stocks of hand sanitizers on the shelves. So, are hand sanitizers really effective in fighting against viruses and diseases?

The COVID-19 outbreak has exploded the use of hand sanitizers and many people have stock piled this hygienic product. Using hand sanitizers have become an integral part of our daily routines. People believe that hand sanitizers can provide the best defense against bacteria and viruses like influenza and coronavirus.

The effectiveness of hand sanitizers

In hospitals, everyone from health care professionals to visitors must use hand sanitizers to help prevent the transfer of bacteria and viruses.  Beyond a hospital setting, it is difficult to establish if the public is using hand sanitizers effectively or at all.

While the regulated and controlled environment of hospitals has everyone following safety measures quite effectively, general life is far beyond this regulatory arena. People visiting health care settings are mandated to wear masks and gloves.  Outside of hospitals, the environment is different. People may not be as disciplined with wearing masks and gloves so the risk of infection is increased.  Once a person is infected, hand sanitizers will not help.

But, hand sanitizers used along with other safety measures, provide protection against the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. That being said, one must remember that viruses from an already infected person can be transmitted to a healthy person through droplets from eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, maintaining a safe distance is also essential.

Hand sanitizers are convenient

A bottle of hand sanitizer is portable. People can carry it along and use as required to prevent the spread of infection when they touch something or someone.  Hand sanitizers make it easy to clean hands when there is a lack of soap and water.

People touch their eyes, nose, and mouth much more frequently than anyone realizes. Most of the time, no one washes their hands immediately after touching these parts of their face, even when they are sick.  However, having hand sanitizers provides an instant and convenient method to keep one’s hands clean.  As per experts, hand sanitizers are highly effective when used correctly. The best practice is to use a sanitizer based of at least 60% alcohol and rub it all over the surface of both hands until it dries.

NOTE: Non-alcohol based products are not effective.

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