A lot of focus is paid to the way patients sit on recliners and wheelchairs. While seated positions gain a lot of attention, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, not enough attention is paid to the positioning of patients in bed. However, it is quite important in providing quality patient care. Patients who remain laying in bed for longer or are bed-ridden are at a greater risk of developing problems such issues as pressure ulcers. Using positioning and pressure relief products in bed can make life easier for these patients. Skil-Care, a renowned manufacturer of safety, positioning, and pressure relief products, provides quality medical equipment for better positioning and safety of patients at home and health care settings.
The need for positioning
The need for positioning arises when a patient is permanently bedridden or has to lie in bed for an extended period of time. People with decreased mobility, sensibility issues, deformities, chronic pain and other conditions need positioning to avoid the development of pressure ulcers, and also to recover faster. Patients with cognitive disorders, restlessness and unstable patients also need better positioning for quick recovery. In fact, positioning is also important in terms of better hygiene and dressing in bed. There are many situations in which positioning can provide big relief to patients. Thus, positioning remains to be a natural part of patient care, and integral to the process of prevention and healing.
How does positioning help?
Suppose a patient has wounds on their left side due to the seated or lying positions. This patient definitely needs better sitting and lying position to ensure stability and relief. Replacing their regular mattress with a pressure relieving mattresses would be a great idea. However, it still doesn’t completely help with positioning if the problem comes from lying on the bed. Providing stability and safety to such patients in bed comes from various bed positioning and safety products such as lateral positioning/roll control, head/thigh positioning, arm/leg/knee support and many others. Manufacturers like Skil-Care make available many such products and accessories which allow better positioning in bed and wheelchair.
Better positioning of bedridden patients also provides great relief to their caregivers. It makes certain procedures quite easier – such as dressing and hygiene procedures. In fact, a position offering good stability to patients also causes a positive influence on the patient’s perceived sense of safety. Consequently, it can have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind of the patient.