International information systems are organized to serve the needs of the developed as well as developing countries on a co-operative basis. These are established to store recorded information and retrieve it expeditiously. They provide a free exchange of information among scientist in various countries. The major international system and services are INIS, INSPEC, BIOSIS, MEDLARS, etc.
How does the Medical literature workonline
A MEDLAR stands for medical literature analysis and retrieval system is an online computer searching and bibliography service started by NLM, Maryland, and the USA. The main activity of MEDLARS is preparing of citations for publication of index medicos, maintenance of several computer-readable database including Medline. Medline is a literature database of life sciences and biomedical information. It includes medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care.
Why a database is important in online medical information
Medline can be searchable via PubMed and NLM national care for biotechnology information Entrez system. Medline uses the medical subject heading for information retrieval. PubMed is a free database comprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life sciences journal and other online books.
Limits:- limits are an excellent way to Target your citations retrieval.
- Language: since Medline/PUBmed contains citations for article beyond English journals i.e global coverage limit your search to English.
- Age
- Type of article: include limits of evidence-based dentistry i.e. meta-analysis practice, guidance, clinical trials, randomized control trials.
- Although the research and patients care group have some key differences, they also have many common attributes. In general they are a relatively young physician or scientist with access to microcomputers. They are likely to do their own searches. Overwhelming they use Medline to satisfy immediate information needs rather than to stay current in their fields. This is evidenced not only by their explicit indications of satisfaction with Medline but also by the high return rate of the survey of the respondent to participate in follow up in large majority.
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