Surgical procedures have improved significantly from the time it was first invented. Not just the surgical methods have improved, but even the basic concept of asepsis has been refined to higher levels of safety for surgeons as well as patients. Plus, the use of protective gear by surgeons and patients has a significant impact on the safety and infection prevention. Masks, hair covering, gloves, boots, and other equipment are essential for surgeons in operation theaters. While each component is important, surgical gowns play a crucial role.

Nowadays, surgeons have multiple choices in surgical gowns to ensure better hygiene and protection inside operation theaters. From classic gown made of breathable, soft material to specialized options to be used in challenging procedures, there are different types to choose from. Additionally, there are special gowns for patients to allow easy examination and surgical procedures. In between, there are fluid repellant gowns with specialized T-cut design, and even urology impermeable surgical gowns.

Why are surgical gowns important?

  • Gowns provide complete protection to surgeons from contracting infections while doing operations. Impermeable gowns in critical conditions provide protection from blood, pus and other materials that the professional may come across while carrying out the procedures.
  • Gowns prevent the transmission of infections in the form of bacteria, pathogen, viruses and other microorganism from patient to the surgeons, or vice versa.
  • Even though surgeons practice safety and use antiseptic agents to clean their hands and body prior to the surgical procedure, there may traces of pathogens in hair and skin which may fall into open parts of patients and infect them. Gowns ensure a protective barrier and provide complete protection.
  • Gowns also provide protection against the blood and bodily fluids from patients staining the clothes of surgical staff.

Sinai Medical Supply offers medical-grade gowns for prevention from surgical site infections. Order online.

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